black and white giraffe on brown grass field

Credit Score Values

At Unique Ratings and Credit Scores, Credit Scores are assigned based on historical financial events, current information available and predicted financial status where possible. We assign credit scores ranging from 0 to 1000, with higher values indicating better creditworthiness. Our scoring system is organised into ten risk profile groups, each spanning a range of 100 points. Our Credit Scores classifications are:

turned on Best neon sign
turned on Best neon sign
gray and black stone on water during daytime
gray and black stone on water during daytime

Expalanation of Credit Score Values

1000 - 900: Exceptional
899 - 800: Excellent

Individuals or businesses in this group have exemplary credit profiles, indicating minimal risk to lenders. They are highly likely to receive favourable loan terms and the lowest interest rates.

This group signifies a strong credit history and reliable credit behaviour. Borrowers in this range are considered very low risk and typically enjoy favourable lending terms.

Our Credit Score Values classifications provide a clear and structured understanding of credit risk, helping lenders make informed decisions and borrowers understand their credit standing.

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stacked round gold-colored coins on white surface
a golden padlock sitting on top of a keyboard
a golden padlock sitting on top of a keyboard
a glass jar filled with coins and a plant
a glass jar filled with coins and a plant
green plant in clear glass vase
green plant in clear glass vase

Credit scores in this range reflect a solid credit history with minor or few negative marks. Borrowers in this category are viewed as low risk and are likely to receive good loan terms.

This group represents a reliable credit history, with some potential minor issues. Borrowers here are considered moderate risk, but still generally receive reasonable loan terms.

699 - 600: Good
799 - 700: Very Good
599 - 500: Fair

Individuals or businesses in this range may have some credit issues, such as late payments or limited credit history. They are seen as higher risk, often resulting in less favourable loan terms.

499 - 400: Average

This group indicates a credit history with several issues, including late payments, defaults, or higher debt levels. Borrowers are viewed as high risk, likely facing higher interest rates and stricter loan conditions.

pink pig coin bank on brown wooden table
pink pig coin bank on brown wooden table
open book lot
open book lot
person jumping on big rock under gray and white sky during daytime
person jumping on big rock under gray and white sky during daytime
a group of blue plastic figures sitting in an office
a group of blue plastic figures sitting in an office

Credit scores in this range suggest significant credit problems. Borrowers are considered very high risk, often encountering difficulty securing credit and facing very high interest rates.

This group reflects severe credit issues, including defaults and collections. Individuals or businesses in this category are unlikely to qualify for most types of credit.

299 - 200: Poor
399 - 300: Below Average
199 - 100: Very Poor

Scores in this range indicate extremely high risk due to extensive credit problems. Borrowers may find it nearly impossible to secure conventional credit.

99 - 0: Unrated/High Risk

This category represents the highest risk profile or those without enough credit history to generate a score. Borrowers in this range are considered extremely high-risk and are typically ineligible for most forms of credit.